Coaching & Therapy
We work with a holistic vision. Holistic means recognizing the whole and all interconnections. In modern Western medicine and therapy, it is common to segregate treatment. Therapy for the body, mind and soul have different houses. And that while these systems all work together and are part of you. As a result, the origin or deeper needs of the systems may not be reached during treatments or therapy. Often complaints or patterns return or the balance in another area is disturbed. The power of holistic treatments is that deeper layers can also be reached and a new balance can be created. Behavior is the expression of your inner world. It is not only a reflection of the balance and needs of your systems but also its manifestation and communication in your outer world. When you want change, behavior is therefore often the first thing you focus on.
"When you can change behavior it may seem that the problem is solved"
Everything works together and sometimes a change in mindset is an important key. But more often it causes someone to create a new pattern. When the message or need behind the behavior can no longer communicate in the old way, it expresses itself in other ways or you can experience the feeling of a “relapse”. You can say that your current mindset is also an expression of your inner world and has a communicative function. That is why we often opt for supportive treatments instead of interventions. This allows you to experience your own strength and you learn to trust yourself and the functioning of your systems again. In all the years we've been doing this job we've met many people who have been labeled, sometimes even chronically ill and the idea that their systems are not working properly. Here it often turns out that learning to listen to their own systems is an enormous strength in recovery. The most frequently asked question of the bodies, emotions and patterns of behavior is to be heard and understood.
Blossom remedies & essential oils
In some cases we use complementary therapy with flower remedies or essential oils to support, increase and balance the frequencies in the energy field.
The investment for an intake is 165,- ex. travel allowance.