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Unwinding course 

Horse lovers and practitioners we are ready for you!

During the unwinding training you will learn about the principles of healing, rupture and repair concerning the physical, emotional, mental and energetic body of the horse. With as starting and finishing vessel the physical body. For it is the physical body that makes earthly live, experiences, expression and transformation possible and is a powerful point in time and space to support the systems.


You will learn how to:


- Read the physical body

- Activate and support healing processes

- How to understand the principles and presence behind the techniques

- Easy and practical exercises for yourself as practitioner

- Easy and practical exercises and techniques to support the horse on a physical, emotional, mental and energetic level

- You will learn how to map the information and find out what is meaningful and important for the horse

- You will learn to work with consent

- You will experience that a change of mindset will allow you to deepen your experience and impact in life in a positive and nourishing way

- Deepen your practice and develop new skills



Amazing results

after just one session







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